Coffee with a Conservator Q&A Session: Books & Paper Recording Now Available

Coffee with a conservator Q&A Session: Books & Paper Recording Now Available

Did you miss our first Coffee with a Conservator Q&A session with Rebecca Elder? You can watch it now on demand and download the presentation deck.

What questions were answered?

  • How Do I Get Rid of Odors?

  • How Do I Deal with Rolled & Folded Paper?

  • How Can I Deal with Mold in My Collection?

  • How Do I Care for Scrapbooks?

  • Tell Us About Conservation!

  • What About Newspaper?

  • How Do I Store My Collection?

  • What is one way that your conservation expertise has influenced how you store, handle, or display documents or books That you own at home?

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Rebecca Elder of Elder Preservation

Rebecca Elder

Owner of Elder Preservation

Cultural Heritage Professional

Rebecca Elder is a cultural heritage preservation consultant with extensive experience in helping clients preserve their history collections. She offers tailored preservation plans for various institutions and is known for her warm and supportive professional style.


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